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(156/185) 348 - TextTools: Delimited sorting

I would very much appreciate if tokens could not only be selected by character position (Star, End) but also by delimiter.

Submitted thiemo - 2015-04-23 11:22:07.346000 Assigned
Priority 5 Labels TextTool Sort
Status open Group
Resolution None


2015-04-23 11:22:31.854000

- **labels**: TextTools Sort --> TextTool, Sort
- **Group**: -->

2017-10-29 21:10:19.191000

Please find attached a patch which will modify the "Sort…" dialog by adding 2 columns:
1. Separator
2. Column Number

If you specify a separator and a column number (starting with 1), each line is split at the separator (which is a regular expression) and just the specified column is used for sorting.

Note that you can use multiple separators in each line.

Note that the start and end column, if specified as well, are then used relative to the column.

Separator: \t
Column: 2
startColumn: 2
endColumn: 2
would just use the second character of the second column for sorting

348.patch (22.5Kio)